ABB WaterMasterWaterMaster
ABB WaterMaster品牌:ABB供应商:188001金宝搏app WaterMaster is the ultimate solution for flow measurement and management in sectors as diverse as water, waste water, sewage and effluent.
ABB WaterMasterWaterMaster的详细资料
WaterMaster's performance adheres to the most stringent global industry standards and is certified to key international approvals. Proven in the toughest applications, Its rugged, robust and buriable sensors eliminate the need of expensive meter chambers. Thereby, WaterMaster flowmeters provide a long, productive and maintenance-free asset life. Take advantage of its innovative and versatile attributes to achieve interoperability within a wide range of asset management systems.
ABB WaterMaster
该产品由188001金宝搏app 提供,销售商地址位于深圳市南山区前海路振业国际商务中心1206。请您仔细阅读产品使用说明书,正确使用。