ABB电磁流量计品牌:ABB供应商:188001金宝搏app Electromagnetic flowmeter HygienicMaster FEH300For selecting the most suitable product for your application
The HygienicMaster FEH300 standard version is designed specifically for the food & beverage, pharmaceutical and biotechnical industries. Manufactured from FDA approved materials and certified in accordance with EHEDG and 3-A.
Available as integral mount design or remote mount design system.
The stainless steel exterior, the variable process connection, the advanced signal processing and the state-of-the-art data storage provide a complete and cost effective flow solution.
HygienicMaster FEH300 is a versatile, reasonably priced, most accurate flow meter tailored for all process industry applications. A flowmeter with base functionality, short delivery and a simple and clearly understandable documentation.
General specifications:
Special features:
ABB’s freedom of choice offers the right driver for the major fieldbus protocols suitable for ABB devices.
The version matrix document shows for each protocol the software revision that’s compatible to the hardware and firmware revision of the device.
该产品由188001金宝搏app 提供,销售商地址位于深圳市南山区前海路振业国际商务中心1206。请您仔细阅读产品使用说明书,正确使用。